This is Candybooru, a user-contributed Bittersweet Candy Bowl fan art gallery. You can search for tagged artists or characters (e.g. Taeshi and Paulo), comment on pictures, or upload your own. Sign up for a Candybooru account and get involved!


    Sandy choco_(Artist) human_Sandy (1177x1663, 479.4KB)
    Francis choco_(Artist) (1106x1400, 1.2MB)
    Lost-Lake_(Artist) Lucy (1280x1280, 390.9KB)
    Lucy Lucy's_mother ScaleKnight194_(Artist) (1200x800, 58.7KB)
    Paulo choco_(Artist) (1200x1200, 1.6MB)
    Amaya Draw_Stream Sue Taeshi_(Artist) parody (1200x800, 693.0KB)
    Abbey AbbeyxDaisy Daisy Draw_Stream Kitten Taeshi_(Artist) (1200x800, 708.1KB)
    Draw_Stream Paulo Taeshi_(Artist) (1200x800, 547.3KB)
    David Draw_Stream Mike MikexPaulo Paulo Taeshi_(Artist) (1200x800, 682.6KB)
    Draw_Stream Mike Taeshi_(Artist) parody (800x1200, 666.8KB)
    Daisy's_Dad Frogchamp_(Artist) (1080x1280, 585.4KB)
    MrNostalgic_(Artist) Roxy (1800x3000, 742.5KB)
    Haley Nowo_(Artist) (743x1504, 468.6KB)
    Daisy Lemoncatfox_(Artist) Lucy LucyxDaisy (1280x1280, 179.1KB)
    Background_Character Ren_(Artist) (1536x2291, 263.5KB)
    Lucy Yashy parody splotchi_(Artist) (1739x2400, 672.8KB)
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